21 March 2014

Stay Out Of The Churches (and Temples, and Mosques, and...)


It is relevant to this discussion to dwell for a moment on the dangers of natural religion that may threaten the Seeker. Natural religion applies a certain kind of magic, which is not Christian in the sense of having been given by Jesus Christ, for it has been taken over from pre-Christian cults, particularly from brahminism. Brahminism, in turn, derived this magic from still older cults, which had received it from ancient Atlantis.

This magic is a caricature of the magic of the ancient king-priests of the First Period, when the whole of mankind was still under the guidance of true magicians and man did not yet possess an autonomous thinking faculty. It is applied by a group that does not possess a Spiritual School and by priests who do not have inner Knowledge. The aim of this magic is to raise a spiritual construction and so to build a power-field with a certain vibration.

This seems very fine indeed, but a power-field has no liberating value unless it is built up and maintained consciously and voluntarily by all those who participate in it. However, natural religion, if it lasts long enough, results in absolute sterilization according to the spirit and soul. Therefore, all ancient magic is a great danger for modern man.

What happens through this kind of magic? By ritual, sung and spoken in a dead language, by specially-prepared music, by perfumes, by the mudras of priests and by magnetized waters and other preparations, the faithful are brought into a trance-like state, a state of negativity of the consciousness. In this state, fluids (ethers) are drawn from the vital bodies of the faithful by means of which power-fields are built up by nature-spirits (which are called "angels" but in fact are not). Just as a medium is connected with his control-spirit, so the faithful, after a few of these magic applications, are bound with their entire being; and it takes a tremendous effort to escape from this grip. In regions and countries where such magic can be applied without disturbance, backwardness, primitiveness and terrible social conditions prevail.

By means of this magic, natural religion even lays hold of the children in the family, binding them from the time of their birth, and it accompanies its flock until the hours of death. When death approaches, it even ensures their captivity afterwards, because on the other side of the grave, the natural hierarchy is just as well-organized and strong and has just as much power over its prisoners as it does here. It receives the dead who, due to the magic for the dying, are spiritually deaf, blind and unable to gain any consciousness of the True Light; and when the time comes it seals their microcosms back to the field of material manifestation in a state of almost unbreakable imprisonment. The bondage is thus complete and in this way the herd is kept in existence.

The herd is enlarged by means of missionary work. The primitive methods of missionaries, with their mass baptisms, mass communions and processions, often move the unknowing to laughter. However, it is no laughing matter, for these are serious mass deprivations of liberty, before the very eyes of all mankind.

We ought also to mention that certain natural-religious groups emanating from occultism imitate this kind of magic. They know that it is ancient and dangerous, but they nevertheless use it in the belief that it can be made beneficial. However, this is a great error.

Magic is liberating only if it is applied from within, from inner Knowledge, in selfless service; when it is an act of the new will ignited in God. Magic, liberating magic, must be based on an inner quality. Those who have sufficient awareness and have risen above the herd-animal are no longer entirely open to the magic applied by natural occultism. Such groups therefore have to lead a somewhat limited existence.

These natural-religious creations of movements that were originally occult have reached the end of their potential. To justify their continued existence, they need a total, fundamental re-orientation and a living binding with the task of those with Remembrance. It is our heartfelt wish that they may have such an orientation.

"The New World Brotherhood and the Dangers of the Church" Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Perhaps now, one can perceive a glimmer of insight into why, during the past age, the catholic church and other major natural-religions have expended so much effort and shed so much blood in attempting to gain as many converts as possible. Venturing into bush and jungle to forcibly convert so-called 'savages" to the christian faith. That was once the prime directive of the Jesuit order, who knew of this magic and therefore knew exactly what they were doing. Hence their zeal and dedication to the task of "gathering souls". In addition, the Church crushed with extreme prejudice any and all who followed the Light, knew the Truth and therefore opposed and worked to expose the evil masquerade.

Constant exposure to earth-bound religions will condition the astral body of a human-being to conform to a certain rate of vibration. That person's thinking, willing and desiring will, of course, be in line with that vibration. The worst of it is, at the moment of death, the newly-deceased takes that astral-state into the reflection-sphere. As has been repeated in this blog on numerous occasions (because we do not want to forget) "like attracts like". Those who have taken their natural-religious state into the natural "hereafter" will find themselves guided or led to enormous cathedrals or temples or mosques of indescribable beauty and stature. They will climb the crystal stairs be-decked with gold and jewels of every description. Choirs with angelic voices will serenade them as they walk past. Upon reaching the enormous doors that will open before them, they will cry tears of utter joy as they enter the mighty edifice. The majestic doors will then slowly close behind them and it's...Gotcha!

That soul becomes a prisoner of the aeon of Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Protestantism, etc. Their soul energy will be used in service to that aeonic power. Bound in this fashion, they will be forced, upon their return to earth-life, to be born into a Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant family, or whatever natural-religion they were caught up in when they passed on from the previous life. The circuit of imprisonment is neatly closed.

Stay out of the churches. There is great danger there. Far more danger than can be imagined.

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28

~ g


Anonymous said...

Very informative post,

Upon reading and reflecting about the text, we begin to see how we, humanity, are literally kept in HERDS by invisible forces. We are deprived of being humans and kept like a flock animals, and by the looks of it our own behaviour in turn contributes to this situation.

Thanks the post,

BrotherGee said...

Hello, alex.

My response is in the next post (24 March).

~ g

Anonymous said...

All is true what you explained about going through the majestic doors cry of tears of the utter joy and then it's Gotcha. It happened to me as a Ex Catholic. In the begging it was all joy and promises, hopes and delight. Then after a while I became a prisoner there were nastiness, laughing at me, mocking me, making me depressed etc. it was hard to leave the Catholic religion but fortunately for me I was surrounded by the people i.e. Pupils from the School. What a relief it was to make that step to become the Pupil. I also by myself realised that all Maine stream religions use hypnosis and magic to make you stay in their circles. It is so good to find a blog like yours. Thank you.

BrotherGee said...

Thankfully, you were able to free yourself from the clutches of "churchianity". It's even more encouraging to hear that you were able to make contact with The School.

Ex-catholic here, as well. Walked away at the age of eighteen, never looked back.

in unity,

~ g

Yik Boon Tan said...

Dear BrotherGee,

This is a great blog post. Thank you for the insights.

I am born in a family of taoist/buddhist in Malaysia, in which we pray to Chinese deities and our ancestors. I have gone through the motions of praying and whatnot in temples and altars intermittently, mostly due to urging by mom. But I never quite know what to believe and never felt the urge or zest to pray due to uncertainty. Though recently, I have become aware of their inherent power/magic, and I also believe there's much more than meets the eye in this world and I have a have developed a spiritual yearning to find out more in all things spirituality. Buddhism as I understand it is a philosophy more than a religion, even taoism have that aspect too I believe. But somehow throughout history a great many deities pop up in these religions and temples, taoism and buddhism became intermingled, with traces of hindu religion too at certain temples. Those who believe and pray to their guardian angel deities or astrologically related deity tend to have better luck and smoothness in their undertakings of life. Personally I am still rather skeptical on these what seemed like corrupted religions (due to the existence of deities, but unsure) but at the same time knew of their power to grant smoothness and luck in their life undertakings for those who pray and believe in them. There are even deities that only exist in a specific city or town - at one time in the past, my family's bakery business was granted a lot of good luck when my parents prayed and donated to a local temple housing a certain deity.

What would be your take on this? Would you ascribed the same danger to these religions that I described?


BrotherGee said...

Hi, Boon.

Yes, the religions that you mentioned are all steeped in aeon worship. Aeons are giant thought-clouds created by the collective thinking of a group of like-minded human-beings. When people have the same thoughts about an object or a person, over time a huge thought-form is constructed. The thought-form is energized by the constant and directed thinking of the group. Because like-attracts-like, the group receives reinforcement from the aeon and the aeon receives reinforcement from the group. Thus, a circuit of mutual dependency is established.

It is indeed possible for these nature-aeons to appear to bestow gifts and good fortune upon those who worship it strongly. Thought is an extremely powerful force in this lower realm and is a force whose power is not entirely understood by man. So when man prays to his deities and receives a response, he has no idea that he owes this response to the concentrated thought-power of thousands or perhaps millions of human-beings.

Brahminism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity were never meant to be religions. The Divine Messengers who brought this information to humanity did not ask for men to build places of worship in their honor or to build huge statues as memorials. The manner in which the Buddha and the Christ have been deified by humanity is tragic and very disappointing. The point of their teachings have been missed entirely. The catholic church preaches about commandments, one of which states that there should be "no graven images". Yet, the first thing one sees when entering a church is a statue or a picture of a dead man on a wooden cross. Judaism/Pharisaism is ruled by a tremendously powerful and ancient aeon. There's another religion that teaches its faithful to kill those who speak against it. Billions of humans are completely and unknowingly under the control of these aeons, to the detriment of all mankind.

The focused thought of ignorant humanity over the past 2,000 years has combined to create a huge "Jesus-aeon". We also have a "Buddha-aeon". The Tao that Lao Tze tried to bring to mankind also has evolved into an aeon.

There are local aeons, tribal aeons, racial aeons, national aeons, you name it. When people keep their ancestors alive by worshipping their remains or constantly invoking their memory they create a family aeon.

The sinister part of all this is that an aeon can eventually grow so large that it develops a sort of consciousness. Because it owes its existence to the thoughts that are directed towards it by the group, it must constantly stimulate earth-based humans to continue sending their thoughts to it. Eventually, the aeon begins to control the human group. In this way it guarantees its own existence. The result is the fanatacism - both past and present - that we see taking place all over the world in the name of religion.

Anyone who wishes to walk the Path of Return must first detach themselves from these aeons. It appears that you have brought over an aversion to this form of spiritual exploitation from a past life. Inwardly, you know that something is not quite right. This feeling of inner knowing is called Remembrance. Be thankful that you have been blessed with it in this life.

~ g

BrotherGee said...

"Man does not live, He is lived".

~ g